Your Freelance Friend

Hey friend!

I’m Andrew! I started setting the foundations for my freelance career in February of 2022, but I only fully committed to freelancing in June of the same year. Without any clients, savings, or “real” experience, I quit my job and moved to a new city. By August, I was making enough to cover my bills and live the freelance life.

When I first started, I had an unquenchable thirst for knowledge. I spent hours on YouTube, Google, and reading books to learn everything I could about freelancing and writing. So on this website, you’ll find blog posts, templates, community, and other resources to help you in your freelance career. My goal is to help others become full-time freelancers just like I have.


Your Freelance Friend Signature
Andrew Baldino, freelance content writer, freelancer

More About Me

Andrew Baldino using confetti cannon while wearing cap and gown in front of fountain, freelance content writer, freelancer

The Boring Stuff

I’m a full-time freelance writer specializing in SEO blog posts for SaaS companies. I graduated in 2021 with a B.A. in English and a B.S. in Biology. Not knowing what I wanted to do, I took some time off.

In that time off, I found blogging. Hobby blogging led me to the world of content writing, freelancing, and SEO. From there, the rest is history.

I quit my job, moved to a new city, and cut my bills in half by moving in with friends, all to pursue a full-time career as a freelance writer.

The Fun Stuff